
Man Demands The Body Exhibition To Show Evidence Of Its Organ Source「弟はどこ?」豪州の人体標本展 兄がDNA鑑定を要求(英語版) [政治]

Man Demands The Body Exhibition To Show Evidence Of Its Organ Source「弟はどこ?」豪州の人体標本展 兄がDNA鑑定を要求(英語版)

【新唐人NTDTV=米NYに本部を置く中国語衛星放送。中国&国際ニュースを独自の視点でお届けします】Australian Rights Groups Call for Shoring Up of Legislation to Prevent ‘Human Trafficking’
日本語版:「弟はどこ?」豪州で開催中の人体標本展 兄がDNA鑑定を要求
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA—It is nothing more than “commercialised trafficking of human remains,” Emmy Pfister, coordinator of a citizens group called Australians Against Bodies Exhibit, said at a press conference on Sept. 16.
The citizens group is calling for an investigation into the identities of the real human bodies that have been on display as part of the ‘Real Bodies: The Exhibition’ at the Entertainment Quarter in Sydney.
The exhibit, presented by Imagine Exhibitions, boasts on its website to be “an educational experience with multi-layered narratives,” featuring 20 cadavers and over 200 organs sourced from Dalian, China. The humans have been plastinated, a process which uses liquid silicone rubber to prevent decay.
Dr. Huang Wanqing, a Chinese-American from New York City, was also at the press conference, to plead with Australian authorities to investigate the origins of those bodies—as he believes some remains may be of his missing brother from China, Huang Xiong.
15 years ago, Huang Xiong disappeared in Shanghai. Huang is a practitioner of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice severely persecuted in China. From 2000 until their last contact on April 19, 2003, Huang Xiong had been imprisoned at a labor camp or on the run from Chinese authorities.
Former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin launched a campaign to eradicate Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, seeing the peaceful meditation as a threat to the ideas of “marxism, materialism and atheism” that gave birth to the CCP. Since then, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners are reported to have died from persecution and torture, with many more cases going undocumented.
Since his brother went missing, Huang Wanqing has never given up his search.
He fears that his brother, who was using an alias while on the run, may have been targeted for organ abuse or use as a body in the multi-million dollar plastination business, Huang said, referring to the admitted practice of forced organ harvesting from live bodies by the Chinese state.
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